Mandatory Check Ups?

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Have you had a check up lately?

And no, I’m not referring to paying a visit to your doctor type check up.

I’m referring to a YOU check up?

I ask clients this all the time and they don’t understand.

A YOU check up is a self evaluation of where you’re at in life.

  • Are you happy?
  • Are you miserable?
  • Are you stressed about finances?
  • Are you wanting more in life?
  • Are you content with where you’re at?
  • Are you loving your job?
  • Are you traveling as much as you want?
  • Are you feeling free?
  • Are you in love with your daily routine of life?

If we don’t pay attention to how our lives are going, we can easily go into autopilot mode.

This is not a safe and healthy place because when we go into this place, we are dooming ourselves.

Yes, I just said that.

We are accepting that this is how things are and will be temporarily.

That my friends is an icky feeling and should not be tolerated.

You need to be doing mandatory check ups in your life.

The only way you can take yourself out of whatever place you’re in, where you’re not feeling like you’re content in life, is when you need to make a change.


Most don’t like change and actually start to feel a bit anxious just at the thought of reading/hearing this word.

However, remember that fear is an illusion.

Yes you might be a bit uncomfortable with change at first, but your future you will thank you for not allowing yourself to remain in situations that just aren’t serving you anymore.

So I encourage you to do a YOU check up today.

If you want to chat about it, reach out to me and see how we can get your situation turned around.

If you’re 100% content in life, then I applaud you, keep doing that.

If you’re not, then now is the time to change things around before more time is lost.

I myself had gone through a time when I questioned everything and feared change . . .

In the end, evaluating where I was at and what I wanted, was the best gift I could’ve given myself 🙂