Need Video Content On The Spot?

Ever feel like some days you just don’t know what to talk about in your videos? You sit there thinking what topic would be good, would your audience even want to listen to you talking about this, also am I even excited to talk about this random topic? I’ve been there too! It doesn’t feel…

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The 3 Laws of Building A Personal Brand

When it comes to growing a successful business, one of the essential elements that people seem to struggle with is building a personal brand. (Or worse yet, they simply ignore it all together and add no real VALUE to the marketplace.) Many believe that branding is only for big fortune 500 type companies, and not…

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99% of Businesses Stay Broke Without This

So you have a business, whether that is a physical, online or home based business. All business owners have the same thing in common. . . Will you succeed or fail at your endeavor? One thing is for certain, that without this specific formula, most likely your business will be one of the 99% that…

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The 3 Big Searches in Life

Over the years, I have come to this realization: That most of us throughout life almost always are in search of either Time, Freedom or Financial Ease or all 3 for that matter. All 3 of these are connected by 1 thing –> Your Profession! Steve Jobs said it best: “Your work is going to fill…

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The Money Habits Of Wealthy People

Money is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? It allows us to live an easier happier life, provide for those closest to us and simply allows us to enjoy life more by not living with any restriction. But honestly, how many of us are actually living this way? Have you ever found yourself working very hard…

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Facebook Ads MUST HAVE Tool

What An Absolute Waste . . . The Time and Money I spent on Facebook Ads when I was first starting out marketing online. Don’t Be Like Me . . . Learn From Me! I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs in all niches around the globe. If you are one of those, I’m happy…

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5 Tips: Get Leads With Videos

It’s no secret that video is critical to your overall success online and increasing your business in today’s online marketing world. One of my favorite ways to use video is for lead generation as there is no better qualified lead than a lead that sees a video first, then chooses to connect. Here are 5 of my…

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Facebook Ads – Virality For $.001

Do you run Facebook Ads by utilizing Videos? Spend Way Less For Video Views By Using This Strategy! Why spend more when you can spend less than a penny per video view. Check it out . . . Updated: Select ENGAGEMENT as your Marketing Objective, NOT Video Views!  

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Online Overwhelming Trend

Do You Have An Online Business? Are You Currently Struggling? Do You See Other Businesses Around You Succeeding But Not You? Have You Thought About Finding The Secret Formula To Success? Do You Ask Yourself About The Missing Piece To The Puzzle? . . . You’re Not Alone!

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5 Types of Emails For Your Special Subscribers

There is a saying in internet marketing that “the money is in the list,” but your list is pretty useless if your emails are not getting opened, no matter how big it is. According to the Radicati Group, the average person receives 90 emails per day, and only a small portion of those actually get opened.…

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