99% of Businesses Stay Broke Without This

So you have a business, whether that is a physical, online or home based business.

All business owners have the same thing in common. . .

Will you succeed or fail at your endeavor?

One thing is for certain, that without this specific formula, most likely your business will be one of the 99% that stay broke and this is something that no business owner wants to face.

Image result for business succeed or fail

Why should someone do business with YOU? It’s vital that you get clear on this.

You must understand that not everyone is a prospect for your product or business.

Also, if you’re marketing to everybody, you’re marketing to nobody!

Every single successful business and brand you see today is using this proven 3 step marketing formula, period.


The 3 Step Attraction Marketing Formula

Founders Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz, and Todd Schlomer have been teaching business owners since 2008…

Attraction is the foundation for this formula!

We as humans have needs that need to be met in order for us to become a customer to a business, no matter what the product or service is.

This formula is universal when it comes to business.

Think of your own business and how this formula is being implemented . . . Are you on track or off track?


3 Steps – The Attraction Marketing Formula:

  • Step 1: Build Your Audience
  • Step 2: Engage With Your Audience
  • Step 3: Sell to Your Audience


#1: Build Your Audience

Your audience is the key to making everything else in your business move forward. Inside the audience you are building is where you will find your soon-to-be leads, prospects, sales and sign-ups. And they’re waiting for YOU!

You must constantly be building your audience every single day.

What does an audience look like? Here are some examples:

  • Facebook Fan Page Likes & Followers
  • YouTube Subscribers
  • Twitter Followers
  • Instagram Followers
  • Text App Followers
  • ManyChat Subscribers
  • Your E-Mail List of Subscribers

Focus your actions on building ONE solid audience every single day until you’re up to 10+ new leads per day from that platform, and you feel you have mastered that particular platform & strategy.

(Your e-mail list is so vital that you should pick one audience, PLUS an email list, and start moving forward!)

If you’re audience isn’t growing, your business isn’t growing, Period!

And if they can’t find you anywhere online, you don’t exist.

Bob Heilig

#2: Engage With Your Audience

This is where a lot of businesses tend to fail.

When you engage with your audience you begin building relationships. When you begin to build relationships with your audience, you start to build what we call the Know, Like, and Trust factor…

And it is CRITICAL if you want people to want to do business with you.

You engage by creating valuable content that serves your target audience, which then makes your audience want to engage with YOU (and your content)!

You engage by interacting with the people who engage with any & all of your content. . .

You engage by following, interacting with, and connecting with people in your target audience (and engaging with THEIR content) on the platforms you want to build . . .

You have conversations with them in person or over the phone, actually listening to them and what their needs are and come up with ways to meet those needs. . . 

Ok, so what does that really mean?

It depends on the audience you’re building. If you’re building an audience online (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc), then you’ll want to post valuable content there such as text posts, quotes, images, videos, etc.


Share with them, educate them, relate to them like a human being, DON’T just sell!

This is a major place business owners fail.

You want to create valuable content that is share-worthy, comment-worthy, and creates engagement because it’s valuable to the one consuming your content.

Think of how you feel walking into a car dealership and right away, barely in the door, a salesman walks up to you hounding you to drive away in their latest and greatest. What a yucky feeling!

They didn’t even ask your needs or listen to anything you have to say. All they see are dollar signs with zero human interaction.

And YOU must do the things you want your audience to do:

Are YOU engaging with people online or in person?

Are YOU sharing, commenting, and liking stuff?

Are YOU interacting with people that are walking through your door?

Are YOU asking and listening to their needs before assuming?

It’s not all about you receiving, but in fact is about you giving so that they feel a comfort with you and can then in return purchase from you so that you are receiving.

GIVE THEM A SIMPLE CALL TO ACTION TO ENGAGE and you will be surprised at what happens 😉

Relationships are a 2-way street, and being a business owner, you should always be thinking like you’re in a relationship with each and every prospect.

You get the point.

PROMOTE your content… ENGAGE with people who interact with your content… and ENGAGE WITH YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE, build relationships, serve your audience by only creating quality content, and you will get the engagement you are seeking.

#3: Sell to Your Audience

You don’t want your business as a hobby, it has to make money for you to survive.

Don’t be afraid to ask for Money/The Sale!

This is the fun part. This is where you start making some money and building your empire. You’ve built an audience, you’ve created engagement, you’ve built relationships and the know, like, and trust factor…

Now it’s time to ask for money! Or if you’ve laid the proper foundation, they’ll naturally and genuinely want to purchase from you!

Unfortunately too many people start with Money/The Sale in business (FAIL).

They don’t build the foundational framework with Steps 1 & 2, and they start asking for the sale right away.

This is what we refer to as ‘pitching’ instead of ‘leading with value.’ Doing this is what gets good people labeled as scammers.

Do yourself and your business a favor . . . Follow this 3 Step Formula and operate your business from this perspective.

Customers are human beings and deserve to be treated with a certain respect prior to them exchanging money with you.

Image result for customer satisfaction

Hopefully you enjoyed this and are now more on track to growing your business!

Also, please feel free to share this with anyone you feel could benefit 🙂

Business is meant to be fun, by serving others in multiple ways that most business owners don’t think about or pay attention to. By focusing on these major aspects, customers will feel comfort and flock to you and you’ll be happy to meet their needs.