Entrepreneur vs Employee Mindset
Entrepreneur vs Employee Mindset Think differently or complete opposites? Let me know your thoughts on this 🙂
The Power of Choice
Big or Small . . . Do they actually make a difference? I’d like to say YES! Think about it. Our choices, no matter how small or large, have a huge effect on the direction of where we’re going, what we’re doing, the kind of life we live and continue to live. If you think…
Mandatory Check Ups?
Have you had a check up lately? And no, I’m not referring to paying a visit to your doctor type check up. I’m referring to a YOU check up? I ask clients this all the time and they don’t understand. A YOU check up is a self evaluation of where you’re at in life. Are…
Success Tips From A Multi-Millionaire
“True financial independence comes from working for yourself. This is something I have known and implemented since I got out of college. Today, I own and operate several internet marketing companies that have created financial freedom and time freedom for myself and my family.  My true passion is teaching other hungry entrepreneurs how to get started and realize true success…
Having An Online Business Is Not Rocket Science
Just had to put that out there 🙂 Most people actually have an interest in becoming their own boss, living a life of more time and freedom, but there’s one thing that tends to stop most . . . Complexity!! Well I have great news for you, if this is something that has stopped you…
Online Shopping Goes Viral
Ahhhh yes, the joy of shopping online. It’s simple, quick, fun and makes us oh so happy. We love receiving those boxes at our doorstep within days. But did you know that there is actually a revolution going on now, a great one! Average people, like you and me, are turning it into their own…
What Do YOU Truly Want In Life?
Have you ever taken a moment and asked yourself this? I want to encourage you to think of your life currently and how you are going to achieve what you truly desire in life. You can afford to think about it, trust me. I did that and it was one of the best decisions I…
FREEDOM Begins w/Free!!
In the spirit of giving, I’d like to offer you a FREE video that could help you gain some clarity on what you possibly might be going through in life. There are 2 types of freedom I’d like to address, that this video might be able to help you with: Financial Freedom – Maybe you’ve…
100% FREE Access Granted
Help Me Reach 100+ Entrepreneurs By Providing FREE Trainings To Scale Their Business Up! 100% Free Access Here 1) How to Get Facebook Video Views for $0.01 or Less Each! 2) [CASE STUDY] Student Makes $35.5K with Shopify in 12 Days! 3) 7 Steps to Triple Your Facebook Engagement 4) Free Facebook Marketing Hacks 5)…
Perry Marshall’s 80/20 UNLOCKED!
Firstly, Who’s Perry Marshall? Perry Marshall is one of the world’s most expensive and sought-after business consultants. That’s right, most don’t get it and that’s why they struggle to succeed. Clients seek his ability to integrate engineering, sales, art and psychology. I absolutely love his content and how he has helped so many entrepreneurs, as…