I wanted to share one of the major decisions or turning point in my life. I remember it very clear.
I had spent years running and managing other people’s businesses.
One day it dawned on me . . . I was an employee
Let’s back up a bit so you have an understanding of why this was so shocking to me.
I had began my professional life opening my own business, a ladies gym actually. I was operating it with my sister (no other staff) and we were very happy running our own business.
We were business owners –> The American Dream!
We got to help our clients feel better about themselves and give them more motivation. In a way we were life coaches, as well as fitness trainers. It gave me true joy to be able to coach a woman to be her best self, not only on the outside, but the inside as well.
Now during this time, even though we were enjoying our clients and their results, we were overworked, tired, never had the time or freedom to just take a day off. We were business owners remember? But we had no life.
So we decided to exit the business and find other ways where we could be happy but also find a way to enjoy life a little more.
I then chose to start running other people’s businesses simply because I had already had the experience of being a business owner. I knew all the tricks of the trade as far as operating a business, marketing a business and providing extreme customer service. So it just made sense.
I had helped a family physician (MD) build his dream of having his very own Medical Spa as a side business. This one I literally built from the ground up. I also helped him build out his medical practice as well.
Life as I knew it was amazing because I was running and operating businesses (my passion of being an entrepreneur) with my design and the direction and vision I saw. So all I had to do was implement and enjoy doing what I loved.
Since the businesses were rapidly soaring successfully, that meant that I also had a good size staff and was managing others and building this vision all at the same time. It felt amazing.
But over the years I became more and more overworked beyond means; I was operating as a business owner (in my mind), but actually operating as an employee and it was then that I made the decision that changed my life.
Everything I was doing for this physician, I knew I could do on my own, but for some reason I wasn’t doing it myself with what could be My own business. I was the best employee anyone could ever ask for. I had dedication, drive and would stop at nothing to make those businesses thrive.
That’s when I decided to leave those businesses and go off on my own and it was the best decision I could have ever made.
Since I had a ton of experience in brick n’ mortar businesses and I knew that with each one I would end up overworked and managing people all day long, I decided then and there that I would no longer have a physical business, but wanted my own online business.
I didn’t know exactly how I would do it, all I knew was my determination in order to live the life I had always wanted for myself and my loved ones.
I came across an article, like you are reading right now and it just made sense.
By having an online business, I could choose my schedule, the times I wanted to put into my business, have actual time, freedom and financial ease and converse with people virtually on how they can have a better life themselves.
Also, I realized quickly the benefits of having a systematic online business. Business costs are merely none besides some marketing expenses. No storefront, no staff, no scheduling; just me focusing on my clients and how I can help assist them in improving their lives as well. This is true joy for me.
I am doing what I love and it’s all because I decided to take a risk on ME and do it!
I opened up an article one day and it changed my life.
So I ask you, what is it that you really want in life? Is it more time, freedom or financial ease? I have found that our life is centered around these 3 things. Whatever it is that you desire in life is possible, if you say YES to what you want Now!
I was introduced to this online business system and I have one major task to perform and the rest is handled for me.
And I know you will love this systematic business model too, which is why I’m sharing this with you here and now. –> Click Here NOW To Watch An Informational Video
Forgive me for the lengthy article, but I had to share this part of my life with you 🙂